Friday, March 12, 2010

two bladders!

I'm pretty sure that this is the only time in my life that I was really excited to see a bladder. We just finished a very long ultra sound to determine how well the amnio reduction worked. We haven't spoken to the doctor yet, but we knew that finding the bladder and seeing the fluid level in each sac was very important. Needless to say, we were pretty excited to see both girls floating around in their own urine (I know! I had no idea that's what the fluid was before this week). When the technician spotted Sophie's bladder right off, I didn't really care what happened after that. I would still be happy. They still couldn't prove that the girls heart rates were exactly right but they don't seem to be to worried about it because the girls are still so young and they are so active it's hard to see much at all. Here's a picture of each of them...they don't look very different. We're both hoping they got Amber's nose. I guess it's still to early to tell. Right now we're just thanking God for two bladders!


  1. God is Good!!!

    The Main Street Crew.

  2. Josh you almost made me cry.I'm so proud of you and Amber for being so strong.Based on the ultra sound image I think they will have Ambers cute little nose.They are going to be beautiful no matter what!They are still in our prayers!I love you all!

  3. YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!! I woke up thinking about you guys this morning! I am so glad everything seems to be working out! Thank you Lord! That was addressed to the Lord, not you guys! Hope everything continues to go well. I am still praying hard, and if you need us, we are here!

